Monday, September 22, 2008

ebb tide

On this day a month ago, I boarded an airplane in a city two hours from my home of 18 years and moved to a college new city in a new state where I knew almost no one and knew even less about the place. Pretty exciting for a little girl like me. Nervous doesn't even begin to describe my first few days here, but being in a world comprised of intellectuals and smart folks is easier than the world I inhabited back home. Imagine that.

I've made really great friends already. This weekend, my friend Melissa (who lives kitty corner to me and comes from the surrounding area and thusly has a car and knowledge of the area) drove me and Rachel and Danielle out to the beach for the day. It was stunning. Of all of my favourite things in the world (which is an extensive and inclusive list) cold beaches is one of the things that falls very close to the top. It was delightful to be off campus, out of the city and on the beach. Melissa and I went in all the way even though the water was freezing. We were numb when we came out and our clothes were all sticky and salty and awful... but it was worth it. The equinox was last night so that was our celebration of the changing seasons. It was the best equinox celebration imaginable.

Because I live in the Living and Learning building, I have a class with about half the people in the building. The building is small, though, so our class ends up being about 17 people. It makes us a really close-knit community. We all hang out in the common room and study together just about every night. We go into the city together, (go to the beach together), go to campus events together, help each other out, make food together. Its perfect and lovely. I'm so glad I applied for L2. There are possible plans for us to go camping together up in the mountais sometime before it gets too terribly cold.

I bought two house plants for my pretty little room (which has been deemed by many on the floor to be 'the best room they've ever seen' thanks to my roommate's and my careful planning of decorations.) Their names are Walter and Henrietta and I kiss them and talk to them to keep them happy in this somewhat depressing climate. In return, they keep me happy and upbeat in this aforementionedly chilly and grey tendencies of this town.

Tonight is the slam poetry festival on campus and Buddy Wakefield, who is my absolute favourite slammer is coming TO CAMPUS. Yes. I am so excited! In light of that, I should probably be proactive about my homework tonight...

In spite of the amazingness that I am experiencing up here, I sometimes still get a little homesick. I particularly miss the people that I am not yet used to not seeing regularly. And that's all she wrote. Fin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Claire,

How fun is this?

It sounds like you are (overall) enjoying school - which is more than I can say right new (I'll email you with details).

Anyway I don't remember if I gave you my college-blog link... if not, here it is...
