Thursday, November 27, 2008

claire's adventures with purple part deux

It's so nice to be home for thanksgiving.  

 I thought this would be a convenient time to re-dye the purple into my hair.  It's been looking on the light purple to pink side, and since I'm really not much of a pink person, it was definitely time to get rid of it.  I persuaded my mother that this would be a fun Thanksgiving evening project, so we pulled out the dye and tinfoil and latex gloves.  I perched on the edge of the bathtub for optimal angle and we commenced.   Now I'm sitting on my floor in my own home waiting for the dye to set.  Here's a video I made for my friend Raubry.  It's me imitating one of those characters in Princess Mononoke that rattles its head when the forest is healthy:  

Saturday, November 22, 2008

dichotomies in truth

One thing that people from anywhere but here will tell you before you move here is that it rains a lot. One thing that people from this city will tell you before you move here is that it really doesn't rain that much. One arrives here confused about what the weather will actually prove to be on a consistent basis. And it turns out that the real story is that the weather is inconsistent and erratic and that is why everyone is so confused about what it's like here. It does rain a lot. Sometimes it pours on and off for days on end. Sometimes the sun comes out a few days in a row. People around here say it's technically a mizzle- that is, a drizzle and mist- but it is often a downpour. And downpours frequently occur when one is traveling from class to class and then conveniently quit once one is safely installed indoors.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

can it be next semseter yet?

Here are the exciting classes that I will be taking next semester:

French 202: Intermediate French
Political Science 102: Comparative Political Systems
Religious Studies 355: Sufism: Islamic Mysticism
Exploration and Discovery: The Pursuit of Happiness
Music 220: Intro to Electronic Music

Be excited with me for these classes! I was only taking the first four classes, but that didn't feel like enough so I signed up for yoga. Then that still didn't feel like enough either so I signed up for Intro to Electronic Music. I had no idea that class was even offered... but it's something I've been interested in for awhile. Mixing beats and layering sounds should be really awesome. Maybe I can even bring my classical experience into it. It's only a two credit class so it will be lower stress than my other classes. I wanted to take photography, but that was four credits and a lot of class time, so this definitely makes more sense. I've been feeling a little bit super-academic lately, so a creative outlet should be excellent.