After almost ten months of being in this relationship, it is still wonderful. It's hasn't been wonderful the whole time, but it's always been worth it. For example, on the way home from the Dean/Rove debate (which was amazing to witness), John asked me how I feel about the word homosexual. I said, in certain contexts, especially scientific, technical or medical, I consider it very appropriate. But in more casual contexts, I do consider it insensitive for someone to say homosexual, especially if they also use the word straight to refer to heterosexuality. Anyway, Josh and I ended up in a discussion about it that wasn't entirely sensitive from both sides (he didn't agree with me, and when I said I had some personal experience on the topic, which he thought meant I didn't think his opinion mattered). But the happy resolution to the story is that it never got very personal and it was resolved very cheerfully. I think it's a good sign for us. Ten months is a long long time. And even as a person who used to identify as a lesbian (or at least as lesbian-leaning, I don't have any sadness about that. So, take that world.
In other news, my classes are boring this semester and I'm grappling for something to care about. Ironically, my French Literature class is my favourite. I usually dread going to my French classes. I'm superficially busy: lots of places to go, things to do, but none of them particularly interest me. But I did sort of sign up for this boredom.
And now I'm hungry. Grilled cheese and tomato soup time.
1 comment:
Grilled cheese and tomato soup is delicious.
It makes me incredibly happy that you are happy.
That is me smiling. Because I am happy.
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