Wednesday, October 8, 2008

flying dreams

Welcome to my fall break. Two extra days off of school apparently turn a weekend into an official break. I flew home late on Wednesday and I'll be heading back to the city on Sunday night, so everything's haphazardly sort of been thrown together in a way that I get to see most people before I head back to the big place.

It turns out that it's a little bit challenging to keep up with school work and a blog, so the blog was the thing that went out the window over the last few weeks. But don't worry, it was for a good cause. Aside from the obvious stress of academia, school has been going really well.

In my core freshman class, we've been reading Socrates, Sophocles, Kant, the Bible, and the Aeneid. Sophocles was excellent. We got to go see Antigone as previously mentioned, which was very community-theatreish, but still quite enjoyable. I find it quite sad that the high school theatre programme killed my love of participating in theatre quite as much as it did. Otherwise, I'd probably be doing it at university. Anyway, reading Socrates was fascinating as was reading Kant and I just finished on Wednesday an essay comparing the possible reactions of Kant and Socrates to the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 (by the way, if you don't know, USA PATRIOT is actually an acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. Scary, eh?). In order to write said essay, I had to read large portions of the aforementioned law, which was at times fascinating, but more frequently really painful. Sometimes it's helpful to be overachieving, other times it turns out to be more of a burden.

Fun facts about my dorm life:
our kitchen smells distinctly of old sponge and vomit and nobody can explain why
the heaters make good windowseats and incidentally keep one's behind nice and toasty for late night/early morning stretches of reading
my roommate cavalierly informed me that she screams in her sleep when she's stressed out. just in case I might have wanted to be forewarned about that. yeah.
dogs aren't allowed in dorm rooms.
noise travels through the floors and through doors but not through walls. eerie. actually, suffice it to say that the accoustics of the whole building are bizarre.
impromptu study sessions occur in very strange places. (e.g. the laundry room, the hallways at two in the morning, the non-smelly kitchen while making pancakes, the abandoned classroom in the basement...)
impromptu dance parties occur in the abandoned classroom every couple of weekends. I have yet to go, but I hear that they are epicly fun.
people say ungrammatical things like "I have hella homework" to mean that they have a lot of studying to do. bizarre.

Now it is time for me to do homework. Love to all.

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