Saturday, November 22, 2008

dichotomies in truth

One thing that people from anywhere but here will tell you before you move here is that it rains a lot. One thing that people from this city will tell you before you move here is that it really doesn't rain that much. One arrives here confused about what the weather will actually prove to be on a consistent basis. And it turns out that the real story is that the weather is inconsistent and erratic and that is why everyone is so confused about what it's like here. It does rain a lot. Sometimes it pours on and off for days on end. Sometimes the sun comes out a few days in a row. People around here say it's technically a mizzle- that is, a drizzle and mist- but it is often a downpour. And downpours frequently occur when one is traveling from class to class and then conveniently quit once one is safely installed indoors.

1 comment:

Maisha said...

especially true of E&D classes -- Portland weather specifically targets first-years, I'm convinced. I'm pretty sure I had a blog entry about it once last year.