Wednesday, December 31, 2008

new times

happy new year, everyone.  

I like new beginnings because even if outside of us changes, it has a symbolic value that we use to allow ourselves to change.  Or to give an anchor to commitments we want to make or renew.  Or to things we want to recognise.  

I'm waiting to see if I got published and trying to figure out what New Year's changes commitments I want to make for this year.  I think time management would be a good one.  And also to get the proper amount of sleep, but what with the complications of the school life and my upcoming schedule, I don't think that's really going to happen much.  Maybe just more kindness.  That's always a good commitment to make.

I'm going to Mexico on Saturday.  It feels a little wrong to take a vacation in a 3rd world country.  I don't really know how to feel about that.  Maybe I'll have something more insightful to offer when I get back.  

In other news, I got straight As this semester.  If you count A-s which I do.  


Doc Luben said...

I invest a lot in the New Year as a concept. I feel that this year I skimped on the ritual and I feel a little disoriented as a result.

Maisha said...

Publish what?

And instead of thinking of it as a third world country, try to think of it as a "developing country." It's a more optimistic and hopeful way to think of it, in my opinion. Kenya was very much "developing."

My grades aren't even all in yet! Guh.

lauren said...

Wait. Published?! Tell me more! That's so exciting!

Time management is always a big one for me...and kindness is always good. Have so much fun on vacation, it'll be so nice. And warm. It's too cold in the midwest. And hooray on grades! Bah, I gotta work harder next semester...and I still have a final to take!

happy new year, love!