Saturday, June 13, 2009

moving day

moved into the new room alllll by myself.  be proud of me. 

I have a double single (CAN I GET AN AMEN?!) in a suite with a girl named Lauren (another Lauren!  don't worry: one will never replace the other), who I already like a lot.  We're going to get along very very well, I think.  my room looks very very good right now; it's very very very big and I liiiike it.  I also made friends with a kid named Max, and he's awesome so... good news. 

also I said something dumb today and someone I like very much is mad at me.  brought it upon myself, but that doesn't make it any easier.  and it's hard being far away from him, and far away from home and in a new place at the same as this little issue.  so, even though it was almost a  perfect day, it is now a really bad one.  


lauren said...

You made me nervous! Glad no one can replace me :) And, you know, Lauren's are the best. So I'm glad to hear that! And I want to hear about classes, when those start!

And as for saying something "dumb", I do that constantly. Honestly, I can't even tell you how often I do that. But things always seem to get better, and I know for you, they will too.

lauren said...


1. I will not die of boredom...because you're coming!
2. A bus would work. Or, if you can get to milwaukee, there's definitely a train to chicago, or one that might stop in my town.
3. Well...this means I have to start writing you letters! Can't wait!