Sunday, July 5, 2009

weeks two and three

well, this is certainly an intensive.  after three weeks, we've gotten through six chapters in the book and about a gazillion vocab lists.  My room is where flashcards go to thrive.  I have so many, I think I might asphyxiate amongst them.  Today I wrote a paragraph about an average day in my life...  That should give you a gauge of how quickly we're learning.

The Lolla schedule is up!  I've decided which bands I'm going to see.  (fleeeet foxes! speaking of which, they released a new song).  Very very exciting.  

My French and Arabic are starting to mix.  Very sad.  There are about five other people here who speak at least a little French, so I've been practicing a little, but in conversation, I get the languages mixed a lot.  In terms of writing, though, I obviously have a little bit of an easier time, since they're different alphabets.  It's strange because my spoken French has always been much better than my writing, but it's the opposite with Arabic. 

We have two exams this week: one tomorrow to test the last few chapters we've covered and one on friday that's a final for this first "semester".  I have to go study now.  

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