Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow days

Contrary to the idea of this city being pretty close to sea level, we got an arctic freeze (say what?) this weekend and we're snowed in.  But for this area, that means we got a few inches of snow and a lot of ice and so everything is shut down.  People who had finals today either have them online or they've been postponed till we get back in January (thankfully, I didn't have any scheduled today).  Yesterday, we went down to south campus, which is really beautiful during any weather, but especially during snow.  I took about a roll and a half of black and white film over the course of the day, but given that its film, I can't really post any pictures right now.  I hear that it's snowing back home, too, so that's also exciting.  I really love snow until I get tired of it.  Hopefully, that won't happen for a while. 

I'm flying home on Thursday.  I'm finally starting to be ready for it.  I know I'll be really excited to see friends and family in the next few days, and then I'll get to be excited to see my new beloved friends again.  I have so much that I want to do, now that I won't be working over break.  Here's my list of things to do over break:
Finish Lamb
Finish 1984
Knit happy things
Listen to good new music
Find somewhere to volunteer
Read The Road
Read The Autumn of the Patriarch
Go running 
Go hiking
Do yoga
Spend time with friends
Play mandolin

I think that sounds like a good plan for break, yes?  Part of me just wants to spend the whole break holed up in my house with my books and crafty projects, but a bigger part of me is more excited about spending time with friends.  It's possible that when I'm in Mexico, I might just be really anti-social... or "on retreat."    Whatever.  The thing is, living in the dorms is fabulous because it's so social but that's also sometimes a downside in ways I don't really think about very much. That is to say, it is really good because it so friendly but sometimes it's a little bit stressful just because it's so hard to get personal time.  Maybe that's just me personally.  I just want to be out in the common room with my friends (even just studying) if I know they're out there.  

This semester has been really good.  I'm only halfway done with finals, but I feel pretty solid about them, especially the Islam one.  That is a reward all by itself, but the knowledge that I can do this and do it well is the biggest reward of all.  


lauren said...

Guess who?

Agreed on the whole privacy thing. I love everyone so much, but being home for Thanksgiving reminded me how alone time is lovely.
By the way, you'll be getting holiday gifts over break.

Yay for blogging and new beloved friends.

Maisha said...

You still have to teach me how to knit. I've got to have something more than playdoh and origami to get me through Qual next semester.

Also, I definitely had a blog entry last year lamenting the same exact thing about loving the dorms but suffering from a lack of personal time. I learned to hide in the Womyns Centre or Unisex office when it got too stressful to be around people.

Anonymous said...

And just where is ice skating with the fearsome foursome on your list???

See ya soon!