Saturday, March 28, 2009


Today is my birthday. It's not felt really special, which is pretty nice. I don't like a lot of fuss. I've heard from almost all of my nearest and dearest, which is all I want, really.  My mum is baking a yummy cake and my grandparents and aunt and uncle and cousin and two best friends are all coming over for a feast.  Perfect.

I had breakfast this morning with my dear friend Beth.  (I know you read this, Beth, so on a more personal note, thank you for a beautiful morning).  It was delicious (Orange brioche french toast. Amazing.) and wonderful to see her.  

This morning I had a (small) revelation that in twelve months (from august to august of this school year) I will have lived in three different states, been in two separate countries, and flown fourteen times.  That's the widest sphere my life has ever occupied. 


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Claire!!!


Amanda said...

I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I am so glad that I was there to celebrate with you <3