Sunday, April 12, 2009

napowrimo # 12: where do you come from?

mother built a house around us like
an embrace
father built the bank accounts and for years
loved like a satellite in wide orbit always anchored to his planet
grandma ruthie dammed up
the memory of the Depression with a million
plastic bags
grandma evie fled dust clouds and 
held us together with a thousand tiny diligent stitches
grandaddy came close to dying 
electricity hit the river he's always drowning in
grandpa's seen so much he asks for 
a bowl of new york when he means soup
because comfort is all he wants for

1 comment:

Maisha said...

"grandpa's seen so much he asks for
a bowl of new york when he means soup
because comfort is all he wants for"

mad snaps, girl. Mad snaps.