Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Tarot is something I always thought was kind of silly, but it turns out that if you approach it in a particular way, all it does is tell you what you already know.  But it catches you when you're ready for it.  

So this precarious situation that I'm in... according to tarot, I can either choose one or the other, or I can choose to have both, but I have to do it.  There has to be action.  There has to be direct choice.  Even though that's what I've been doing anyway, it helps to know that what I've already figured out is the truth of the situation.  I'm moving in the direction of having both, and it's only if I have to choose that I will be conflicted.  One is vaguely better than the other, but it means giving up so much that I've invested in for the last few months.  I can't say I'd make that choice either way without long-lasting regret.

This is definitely a true story right now.  There have been some moments in the last couple of weeks where I've really struggled with this.  Part of  it has been figuring out what it is that I want and then beyond that, it's been talking to the people who can make that happen, and really talking to them about what is possible from their angle.  Right now, everything's up in the air, but in a positive way.  And I had to be proactive to get things to this point, so it feels like harvest to have it moving in any kind of positive direction at all..

Alright, enough vagaries for now.

I have had a distinct lack of motivation for the last two days.  I originally typed that it has been four days, but time gets stretched out here, so everything takes less time than it seems.  In any case, I have so much work to do before Manda flies out on friday because I want to spend the whole weekend having fun with her.  We'll see what happens.  I plan on getting a lot done in the next few days.  I have 26 pages of essaying left to write this semester, not including a 10 page draft to do a final of and that 12 of the 26 pages will need to be edited in a second draft also (that is to say, once they are written at all).  

Scheduling is pretty much finalised for next semester.  I am sure of four courses I'll be taking:
Principles of Economics
Great Ideas in Physics
Islamic Law
French: Conversation and Composition.
In terms of the fifth class that I plan to take, I have several options.  Because when we had our last registration period I still thought I was majoring in IA, I signed up for a US Foreign Policy class that's pretty hard to get into.  I could also take a sociology course on the middle east or an elective.  Or keep the USFP course.  We'll see.  

Bonne Nuit à Tous 

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