Sunday, May 31, 2009

hotel california

I just got off the phone with my wonderful friend, Eric.  Good lord, I love that kid.  I've known him for five years, but we've spent two weeks together out of all that time.  And yet, we have the most exquisite friendship.  We just get each other.  We haven't talked since August, but we had the most fantastic conversation.  And, best of all, he's going to go to school three hours north of me next year, so we'll be very close.  

In other news, tomorrow I'm going to see Joshy!  Much excitement.  I've got to leave home at six thirty in the morning to catch a bus, then wait for an hour and a half, then catch another bus and then wait in a Dunkin Donuts for at least half an hour... probably longer.  But at the end of all that, there will be camping.  And that, my dears, is good enough for me. 

I also found a Gipsy Kings cover of Hotel California that is brilliant.  

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